You can now get updates on FOCUS Learning website using Youthpass socialmedia accounts on Facebook and Instagram.
A new section of the website is active, featuring links to other related pages online.
FOCUS learning team is back on track with new content starting soon to be published on the website!
FOCUS learning team will take a break for a little while. We are going on holiday and stop posting, and we will come back with more content and improvements!
FOCUS learning team will meet (in person!) in Cologne with representatives from NAs and SALTO centers, to assess what has been done so far and to discuss the next steps.
FOCUS learning will be presented at the second ETS Conference: The Quality Bonus which will happen in Berlin from March 1st to 3rd.
Over the next 5 months we are going to post a new update very other Tuesday, providing an insight into youth work and learning in youth work. These resources are an opportunity to get involved, have an opinion, share and even contribute to the series.
On September 2-3 we will officially launch our website, with an online conference featuring subscribers from all over Europe, to start sharing some materials and discussing some ideas about how to use this website.