drivers of positive development
The systemic approach in youth work refers to a method of working with young people that considers and addresses their challenges, needs, and development within the broader context of their families, communities, and society at large. It takes into account the various interconnected systems that influence young people’s lives and recognises that changes in one part of the system can have ripple effects on other parts. By considering the various systems that influence young people’s lives, this approach can significantly impact their mental well-being and overall psychological health.
The proper and healthy development of young people is a subject worth looking into. The process of development itself is intricate and typically impacted by the immediate family, peer groups, societal influences, and the broader environment surrounding a young person. As they journey through life, it is inevitable that young individuals will face numerous unexpected challenges and crises.
The psychologist Erik Erikson believed that crises could positively contribute to a person’s development and maturity. He developed a theory based on the epigenetic approach – this is the study of how a persons behaviours and their environment can cause changes in life and how person can progress through the stages. . He proposed that individuals need to go through psycho-social stages, with unique developmental tasks or crises to resolve, for healthy psychological growth. These stages unfold in a predetermined sequence, much like biological development. This approach emphasises the interplay between biology and the social environment in shaping a person’s personality and identity.
Erikson sees each developmental phase as a potential crisis, a period of both vulnerability and opportunities for growth. Personality and identity form through various stages, each with its own specifics and potential challenges, requiring resilience from individuals.
During challenging periods, not all young people have the inherent ability to handle crises easily. Such periods can significantly affect their mental well-being and hinder their personal development and overall quality of life. As a result of this, they may need the support which youth work offers, in order to overcome these situations.
In today’s professional landscape, youth workers play a vital role in fostering the genuine and healthy development of young people. They possess the essential skills to identify signs of declining well-being in the young people and support the creation of safe learning environments that prioritise psychological safety.
The social exclusion of young people, particularly young people with fewer opportunities, has caused a rethink in the theory and practice of youth work. There has been a strong push to come up with more efficient and effective ways to support the development of young people, especially those is such situations.
Youth work has developed various methods that have the power to facilitate, inspire and psychologically support the learning processes of young people. The methods of non-formal education, informal learning, mentoring, and counselling are essential tools for encouraging active participation in the community and overcoming difficulties. For instance, youth work activities with young people with fewer opportunities, involve creating inclusive and accessible environments that cater to their specific needs and abilities. That way youth workers are improving the learning outcomes and resilience of the young people.
Through the application of innovative and creative methods in youth work activities, youth workers promote positive development, social inclusion, active participation in society, and the cultivation of relationships. The learning process is closely linked with the concepts of mentoring and coaching, and the support provided focuses on the well-being and overall quality of life of the young person.
The systemic approach significantly supports the process of exploring and understanding the emotions of the young person. It supports the creation of strategies for stress management, and improves their self-esteem and therefore generally their well-being.
In order to foster a sustainable and democratic society, it is essential for youth workers to adopt a systemic approach and align themselves with the evolving trends and needs of young individuals. This will inevitably lead to the creation and nurturing of a positive environment for a healthy upbringing and development of young people.
Youth programmes can significantly support the learning process that can influence young people’s behaviour based on the interconnection between the youth work system, including family, peers, educational system and the community. Considering this, the systemic approach allows for youth workers to better understand the needs and challenges of young people, to boost their participation in the community and empowering them by initiating positive changes. Through taking a systemic approach, as youth workers we can get closer to the young people, build trust and stronger relationships between ourselves and the young people. That can lead to a more effective and holistic interventions that can address underlying issues, promote positive development and well-being.
ALEKSANDRA PETKOVA holds a MA in Social policy and certification for Systemic and Family Counsellor. She is a youth worker with extensive experience working with youth with fewer opportunities. As a trainer, researcher and consultant she has been working in tailoring and coordinating youth programs promoting social inclusion, mental health and gender equality. She is actively involved in the national policy-making processes in the field of youth in North Macedonia and internationally.
In today’s professional landscape, youth workers play a vital role in fostering the genuine and healthy development of young people.
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